LI Activists is committed to fighting for a host of issues that are usually put under the umbrella of a “Women’s Rights Committee”, but as all women know, the amount of “Women’s Issues” is far from a small amount. There is Safeguarding Reproductive Rights, Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault & Rape, Sexual Harassment, Rape Kit Backlog and so many more.

LI Activists at the Women's March in NYC on 1/20/17.

LI Activists at the Women's March in NYC on 1/20/17.
Listed below is a comprehensive list of all open New York State Legislation on a variety of Women's Issues. Long Island Activists stands firmly behind female activists, now, and forever.
The issues below are presented by topic 1st. Then, a piece of active New York State (NYS) legislation is listed. After the listed legislation you will find a synopsis of what the bill is proposing.
We encourage ALL to go here, to the NYS government website, where you can enter the bill number and find the bill to read it in full for yourself:
Another great thing that comes with searching and locating the legislation on the above link is that you will be asked if you agree with the legislation once you locate it.
If you select “Aye” or “No” this information will be sent to your correct representative. You can also add on your own comments to be sent to your representative along with your ‘aye’ or ‘no’. We can flood a representatives with ‘aye’s and let our feeling be known within the bounds of their own system.

Ending Sexual Harassment
- Assembly Bill A10021
- Requires reporting of employees of colleges and universities found responsible for sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, stalking, or sexual harassment.
- NYS Assembly Bill A10465
- Creates the crime of official misconduct for sexual harassment by a public servant; makes it a class A misdemeanor.
- NYS Assembly Bill A6290
- Called the cited as the "woman's workplace protection act".
- Relates to sexual harassment in the workplace.
- NYS Senate Bill S7685
- To prohibit an employer from implementing its own statute of limitations on the victim's ability to report a sexual harassment claim, thereby requiring the employer to address and resolve said claim at any time that the claim is submitted within New York State's statute of limitations.
- NYS Assembly Bill A9797
- Requires the development and implementation of written workplace sexual harassment, sexual assault, and discrimination policies by corporations; requires reporting and eligibility for tax credits based on a corporation's record of sexual harassment, sexual assault, and discrimination among and between employees of such corporation; requires the division of human rights to promulgate standards relating to eligibility for state tax credits.
- NYS Senate Bill S7177
- Creates the crime of official misconduct for sexual harassment by a public servant; makes it a class A misdemeanor.
- NYS Senate Bill S8426 and Assembly Bill A10557
- Establishes that no lobbyist shall commit an act of sexual harassment while engaging in lobbying or lobbying activities.
- NYS Senate Bill S7176 and NYS Assembly Bill A10464
- Amends the penal law to add a new section 195.01 to include sexual harassment by a member of the New York State Legislature to be a crime of official misconduct, punishable as a class A misdemeanor.
- NYS Senate Bill S6975A and NYS Assembly Bill A10466
- Purpose is to include sexual harassment as conduct that violates the Code of Conduct for public officers of the state.
Supporting Domestic Violence Victims
- NYS Assembly Bill A4848 and NYS Senate Bill S7017 and NYS Senate Bill S4792
- Requires medical assistance to be provided to victims of domestic violence to care for and treat any scarring resulting from the domestic violence incident.
- NYS Senate Bill S2661
- Establishes a new article entitled, family offenses; creates crimes of domestic violence for acts of violence against family members; provides that such article include domestic violence, aggravated domestic violence, extreme domestic violence and defense.
- NYS Senate Bill S8599A
- Establishes the domestic violence accountability program; requires mandatory domestic violence counseling.
- NYS Senate Bill S295 and NYS Assembly Bill A2424
- Relates to the entitlement to unpaid leave of absence for victims of domestic violence; permits victims of domestic violence to take an unpaid leave of absence for ninety days from employment to address on-going domestic violence; defines "address on-going domestic violence"; contains provision to protect the individual's job position and benefits.
- NYS Senate Bill S2711 and NYS Assembly Bill A1056
- Requires companies to allow victims of domestic violence to cancel contracts when there is a domestic violence incident report, a police report, an order of protection or a signed affidavit.
- NYS Senate Bill S2436 and NYS Bill S8786 and NYS Assembly Bill A946A
- Requires wireless telephone companies that offer shared or family plans to allow victims of domestic violence to be released from the account without penalty in instances of domestic violence.
- NYS Senate Bill S1247, NYS Senate Bill S5565A and NYS Assembly Bill A1481A
- Defines "victim of domestic violence"; prohibits employers from discriminating against victims of domestic violence.
- NYS Senate Bill S4694
- Requires counseling for certain domestic violence offenders; requires defendants in any case where the court either suspends the imposition of a sentence or sentences the defendant to be placed on probation to receive counseling by a person who has demonstrated expertise in individual or group domestic violence counseling.
- NYS Senate Bill S542 and NYS Assembly Bill A1996
- Purpose is to create a report detailing various programs aimed at assisting survivors of domestic violence as well as supporting information
- NYS Senate Bill S3432A
- This bill would improve public safety and prevent domestic violence incidents from escalating into even greater violence by keeping guns out of the hands of domestic violence perpetrators.
- NYS Senate Bill S7652 and NYS Assembly Bill A8810
- Creates an automatic class E felony on the first offense for committing an act of domestic violence in the presence of children.
- NYS Senate Bill S7651 and NYS Assembly Bill A8825
- Details a list of mandated reporters required to make a report to the police authorities when he or she has reasonable cause to suspect that an individual is a victim of domestic violence.
- NYS Assembly Bill A7035
- Defines domestic violence and abuse for unemployment insurance purposes; provides unemployment insurance for survivors of domestic violence.
- NYS Assembly Bill A4095
- Authorizes the payment of housing subsidies in the amount of seventy percent of the rental cost of the dwelling unit or the median housing rental cost for the county, whichever is lower, to certain victims of domestic violence.
- NYS Assembly Bill A6642
- Establishes the "domestic violence registration act" defining domestic violence offenses and offenders and requiring such offenders to register with the division of criminal justice services.
- NYS Assembly Bill A5178
- Relates to residential services for pregnant victims of domestic violence; provides that certain pregnant victims of domestic violence may stay at an emergency shelter for up to nine months.
- NYS Senate Bill S7155A and NYS Assembly Bill A9542A
- Requires certain persons and officials to report cases of suspected domestic violence.
- NYS Senate Bill S5212 and NYS Assembly Bill A1660
- Requires court review of domestic violence bail applications.
- NYS Assembly Bill A5025
- Enacts the domestic violence escalation prevention act including certain offenses against members of the same family or household within the definition of serious offense.
- NYS Assembly Bill A10773
- Relates to possession of ammunition by domestic violence offenders.
- NYS Assembly Bill A2027 and NYS Senate Bill S3473
- Relates to the protection of victims of domestic violence act, which requires defendants to wear global positioning systems monitoring the location of the defendant.
- NYS Assembly Bill A1385 and NYS Senate Bill S1816
- Enacts the "Domestic Violence Reform Act" and extends the period of time for orders of protection in cases of domestic violence to five years for family court and ten years for criminal court.
- NYS Senate Bill S7413
- Requires a denial of bail or being released on one's own recognizance where a person is accused of a felony domestic violence or stalking claim and has previously been convicted of a felony domestic violence or stalking offense.
- NYS Senate Bill S7650 and Assembly Bill A8842
- Provides that the commission of certain specified crimes which are committed against a member of the same family or household shall be punishable as domestic violence crimes and carry enhanced penalties.
Fighting Human Trafficking
- NYS Assembly Bill A3169 and NYS Senate Bill S8322
- Promotes the education of the human trafficking information and referral hotline to assist persons in freeing themselves from severe acts or forms of sex trafficking.
- NYS Assembly Bill A10869
- Relates to employee human trafficking recognition training and to authorizing the establishment of a standardized human trafficking recognition training program; requires public transportation services to require all employees to undergo a human-trafficking recognition training program established by the division of criminal justice services and the office of temporary and disability assistance in consultation with the department of transportation and the New York state interagency task force on human trafficking.
- NYS Assembly Bill A6834B and NYS Senate Bill S5955B
- Relates to human trafficking awareness and training; requires employees of lodging facilities to have training in the recognition of a human trafficking victim; requires the division of criminal justice services, the office of temporary and disability assistance and the New York state interagency task force on human trafficking to approve a human trafficking recognition training program.
- NYS Assembly Bill A3223A
- Relates to prostitution offenses and services to human trafficking victims; defines short-term and long-term safe houses for such victims.
- NYS Senate Bill S6893A and NYS Assembly Bill A7034A
- Requires employees of gaming facilities to undergo human-trafficking recognition training which shall address the nature of human trafficking, how human trafficking is defined in law, how to identify victims of human trafficking, relief and recovery options for survivors, and social and legal services available to victims.
- NYS Senate Bill S8535 and NYS Assembly Bill A10871
- Directs the commissioner of DMV to establish a sex trafficking awareness and prevention program to provide education and awareness literature and educational materials to all drivers with a commercial motor vehicle license.
- NYS Senate Bill S4690
- The purpose is to amend the social services law, in relation to civil cause of action for human trafficking
- NYS Senate Bill S4997 and NYS Assembly Bill A4540
- Provides for confidentiality of records in proceedings to vacate convictions for offenses resulting from sex trafficking, labor trafficking and compelling prostitution.
- NYS Assembly Bill A6380C and NYS Senate Bill S5486B
- Requires state contractors to submit a statement on preventing human trafficking in bids to the state and maintain a written policy for preventing human trafficking within its operations, business dealings, and supply chain and provide to the state a copy of such policy when submitting such statement.
Ending Pregnancy Discrimination
- NYS Senate Bill S7350
- Prohibits discrimination based upon pregnancy, union membership, military status, veteran or disabled veteran status.
- NYS Senate Bill S6354A, NYS Senate Bill S7558A and NYS Assembly Bill A9584A
- This resolution proposes to amend section 11 of article 1 of the constitution. It would provide for broad equal rights and antidiscrimination protections for residents of New York State.
- NYS Senate Bill S4505
- The purpose of the bill is to ensure appropriate maternity leave practices for officers and correctional officers.
- NYS Assembly Bill A3930
- Provides accommodations for pregnant students at institutions of higher education.
Safeguarding Reproductive Health
- NYS Senate Bill S8336 and NYS Assembly Bill A5911A
- Requires disclosure by crisis pregnancy centers to clients that such center will not provide abortion or birth control services or make a referral for such services, and that such center is not a licensed medical provider; such notice shall be conducted upon first communication or first contact with the client and shall be either in a written statement or oral communication by staff assisting the client.
- NYS Senate Bill S96
- Prohibits the consideration of evidence that either parent has ever obtained or attempted to obtain reproductive health services relating to the termination of a pregnancy in certain legal proceedings.
- NYS Senate Bill S2796 and NYS Assembly Bill A1748
- Enacts the reproductive health act; revises provisions of law relating to abortion.
- An act to amend the public health law, in relation to enacting the reproductive health act and revising existing provisions of law regarding abortion; to amend the penal law, the criminal procedure law, the county law and the judiciary law, in relation to abortion; to repeal certain provisions of the public health law relating to abortion; to repeal certain provisions of the education law relating to the sale of contraceptives; and to repeal certain provisions of the penal law relating to abortion
- From the Bill Sponsor Democrat Liz Kruger: “Complex and personal decisions about reproductive healthcare are the sole right and responsibility of a woman and her medical providers.” This bill states “that an abortion May be performed by a licensed, certified, or authorized practitioner within 24 weeks from the commencement of pregnancy, or there is an absence of fetal viability, or at any time when necessary to protect a patient's life or health.”
- NYS Assembly Bill A11150
- Directs the consumer protection division to conduct a study on limited service pregnancy center entities and to provide a report with its findings, conclusions and recommendations to the governor and legislature.
- NYS Senate Bill S3791A and NYS Assembly Bill A566A
- The purpose of the bill is to prohibit employers from discriminating against employees based on the employees' or dependent's reproductive health decisions, and to provide remedies for such violations.
- NYS Assembly Bill A3696
- Requires provision be made for pregnancy termination procedures insurance coverage in every individual or group hospital, surgical or medical policy, or hospital service or medical expense indemnity contract of a service corporation, only where any such policy or contract offers maternity care coverage.
Strengthening Sex Offender Registration Laws
- NYS Senate Bill S968 and NYS Assembly Bill A860
- Limits Where a Sex Offender Can Live
- To restrict sex offenders from residing within 1500 feet of the residence to their victim.
- NYS Assembly Bill A419
- Monitoring of convicted pedophiles and Level 3 Sex Offenders
- Provides for monitoring persons who are pedophiles and both level 3 sex offenders and sexual predators or predicate sex offenders with global positioning system
- NYS Assembly Bill A8715 and NYS Senate S3030
- Makes the failure of a sex offender to register or verify pursuant to the provisions of the sex offender registration act or violation of the prohibition on sex offenders being employed on a motor vehicle engaged in the retail sale of frozen desserts a class D felony.
- NYS Assembly Bill A892
- Establishes the sex offender alert line to permit members of the public to request notification of the residence of a registered sex offender within certain zip codes.
- Provides that notification will be requested and made by telephone or via the internet.
- Provides that it shall be limited to such information as is otherwise legally permitted to be divulged.
- NYS Senate Bill S6932
- Prohibiting Bus Routes Stopping In Front Of Residence of Registered Sex Offender.
- To prevent school districts from designating bus stops in front of the residence of a sex offender when other more suitable locations for the bus stop are practicable.
- NYS Assembly Bill A570
- Relates to level three designation for certain sex offenders under the sex offender registration act; provides for a level three designation under the sex offender registration act for persons convicted of or a conviction for an attempt to commit an offense contained in article 130 (sexual offenses) or 263 (sexual performance by a child) or section 135.25 (kidnapping in the first degree), section 230.06 (patronizing a prostitute in the first degree), section 230.32 (promoting prostitution in the first degree) or section 255.25, 255.26 or 255.27 (incest) of the penal law where the victim of the related offense is less than eleven years old.
Justice for Rape & Sexual Assault Victims
- NYS Senate Bill S3515 and NYS Assembly Bill A4372
- To expand the protections afforded to women who conceive a child as a result of rape
- Provides a process for the termination of parental rights in cases of a child conceived through rape by clear and convincing evidence.
- NY Senate Bill S5070 and NYS Assembly Bill A8443A
- Relates to the expanding the rape shield law; rules of evidence regarding the admissibility of evidence of a victim's sexual conduct in sex offense cases.
- NYS Senate Bill S6428 and Assembly Bill A8401 *Also a part of the next topic!!!!!!
- Provides for the establishment of a sexual assault survivor bill of rights by the department of health, in consultation with the division of criminal justice services and department of law.
- Directs the department of health to conduct a study on the maintenance of sexual offense evidence kits.
- Provides the right to consult with and be accompanied by a victim assistance organization during physical exams and interrogations.
- Provides the right to preventive treatment for HIV.
- Provides the right to notice about the results of the sexual assault evidence kit and the status of their case.
- Directs police and prosecutors to implement policies to implement such rights.
- Directs the division of criminal justice services to study the feasibility of establishing a statewide sexual assault evidence kit tracking system.
- NY Senate Bill S6297 & NY Assembly Bill A5299
- Terminates the parental rights of a person convicted of rape resulting in the conception of a child
- NYS Senate Bill S6151A and NYS Assembly Bill A8443A
- Provides that rape in the first degree shall be a class A-I felony and shall be punishable by life in prison without parole
- NYS Assembly Bill A2771
- Increases by 1 degree the severity of rape, criminal sexual act, sexual abuse and course of sexual conduct against a child in the second degrees
- NYS Senate Bill S7216A
- This bill removes the penetration. requirement from the rape statutes, redefines rape to include oral and anal sexual conduct within the definition of rape and makes conforming changes throughout various areas of law. (This bill has passed the Senate, but has not been even introduced to the Assembly).
- NYS Senate Bill S8751 and NYS Assembly Bill A3936
- Authorizes the crime victims board to accept other official documents in lieu of police reports for documentation of eligibility for compensation. (This has passed both the Senate & Assembly but has not been signed into law).
- NYS Senate Bill S8977 and NYS Assembly Bill A8401
- Provides for the establishment of a sexual assault survivor bill of rights by the department of health, in consultation with the division of criminal justice services and department of law. (Has passed both the Senate & the Assembly but has not been sent to Governor)
- NYS Senate Bill S7723A
- To provide up to four weeks of leave for victims of domestic or sexual abuse
Ending the Rape Kit Backlog
- S8117/Assembly Bill A10067A
- Enacting Senate Bill which was signed by the Governor that provides for the processing of and maintenance of rape kits but only has partial compliance.
- NYS Senate Bill S3326
- Would create a statewide sexual assault kit tracking system that enables sexual assault survivors to anonymously track or receive updates regarding the status of their kits.
- NYS Senate Bill S6238 and NYS Assembly Bill A3597
- Grants Victims of Sex Offenses The Right to Information about the testing status and forensic evidence associated with their cases.
- NYS Senate Bill S4446
- Establishes the sexual assault forensic examiner grant program to award grants to provide statewide access to services provided by sexual assault forensic examiners to victims of sexual assault.
- NYS Senate Bill S6964A
- To clarify sexual assault forensic exams performed by hospitals are free of charge to the sexual assault survivor.
Child Abuse Awareness & Prevention
- NYS Senate Bill S809
- Known as the “The Child Victims Act”. This would eliminate the Statute of Limitations for Child Sexual Abuse Offenses.
- By eliminating the statute of limitations in childhood sexual abuse cases, victims will be able to have their day in court and seek the justice they have been denied, while other children are more likely to be protected from becoming future victims of the same offenders.
- NYS Senate Bill S1857 and NYS Assembly Bill A7994
- Increases the penalties for the rape or sexual assault of a child five years of age or less.
- NYS Senate Bill S287
- Increases the penalties for the rape or sexual assault of a child five years of age or less. (This bill has passed the Senate but has not yet been introduced to the Assembly).
- NYS Senate Bill S1436
- To extend the statute of limitations for certain sex crimes committed against minors.
- Senate Bill S8702
- Relates to prostitution offenses; creates the new crimes of unlawful prostitution and sexual exploitation of a child.
- This is not a piece of specific legislation. This is a state funded program. Healthy Families New York (HFNY) home visiting has been flat-funded for six years, an effective reduction in funding that has reduced the number of families served, staff to serve them, and special services such as outreach to fathers to involve them in their children's lives. A research-proven program, HFNY reaches a diverse array of at-risk families to improve health, safety and learning outcomes for children. We need the Legislature to maintain the $23.3 million the Governor has proposed and add $3.5 million, for a total of $26.8 million, to restore services to the level that had been achieved in 2008.; Congress has still not reauthorized either the Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting Program (MIECHV) or the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP). We need to continue to join in efforts to reauthorize before much-needed services are lost at PCANY [Prevent Child Abuse NY]) For more information on HFNY you can visit their website: