View Replay of the Virtual Town Hall on the NY Health Act..
Healthcare Is A Human Right!
The New York Health Act: Universal Healthcare
Quality, Guaranteed Healthcare For All New Yorkers!
Our current multi-payer healthcare system is ineffective and inefficient. The system wastes billions of dollars of New Yorker’s hard-earned money, burdening patients, doctors and hospitals with endless paperwork and massive administrative costs, all while leaving too many of us without the high quality healthcare we need and deserve.

We Can Do Better!
By taking private insurance companies out of the equation, the New York Health Act would end the nightmare of co-pays, un- affordable deductions and partial coverage that insurance company lawyers use to hide costs at your expense. – All while saving us over 45 billion dollars a year!
The New York Health Act is a, Comprehensive, Universal Plan That Would:
- Provide the same quality care to EVERY New Yorker, INCLUDING our State Senators – no gold plan choices for them and bad choices for us. This plan will also eliminate financial barriers to healthcare because there are:
- No out-of-pocket costs
- No co-pays & no deductibles
- No coinsurance
- No out-of-network charges
- Cover ALL medically necessary care, including:
- Prescriptions and Durable Medical Goods
- Physicals and Well Child visits
- Dental and Vision services
- Emergency room visits
- Pre-natal health services
- Office visits and in-patient care
- Mental Health and Substance Abuse treatment
*Who Pays What?
*Based on the 2015 economic analysis by Gerald Friedman.
The New York Health Act covers all New Yorkers, including those currently on Medicaid and Medicare, so current Federal payments toward these programs will become part of the funding. Additional funding could come from the payroll deductions below, instead of paying insurance premiums.
There is no “personal” or “family” plans because these payments are enough to cover everybody. Here is the current estimate of how much will be deducted from each employee’s paycheck each month, depending on annual earned income:
Income | Employee | Employer | Self Employed |
<$25,000* | $0 | $0 | $0 |
$50,000 | $38 | $150 | $188 |
$100,000 | $133 | $533 | $666 |
$200,000 | $366 | $1,466 | $1,832 |
$400,000 | $900 | $3,600 | $4,500 |
*If your annual earned income is less than $25,000 you pay NOTHING, but still are covered by the NY Health Act, just like everyone else in NYS.

There will be similar deductions from those with idle income, such as capital gains, stock trades and dividends of 0% on income up to $25,000 and 9% for investment income over $25,000, and rising to 16% on any portion of investment income over $200,000 annually.
These payments will cover health care for all, with no deductibles, copays or coinsurance!
To Learn More, Click Here and Watch the Movie
“Fix It”: Healthcare at the Tipping Point