Long Island Rallies in Melville to Save the Environmental Protection Agency

LongIsland.Com With Trump Announcing Big Cuts, Advocates Press Senator Schumer to Take Bold Action. Melville, NY – April 25, 2017 – Dozens of community members and environmental activists rallied outside Senator Chuck Schumer’sMelville office on Tuesday, calling on him to lead the Senate Democrats in resisting the White House plan to slash the budget of…

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Earth Day Science March 2017 organized by Long Island Activists

Newsday Tens of thousands of people marched world wide to protest recent cuts to science and political resistance to acceptance of scientific facts. A local event was organized in Rockville Centre at the Tanglewood Preserve’s Center for Science Teaching and Learning. In addition to a march featuring hand made signs through the nature preserve, there…

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NYSUT endorses Pellegrino for 9th District Assembly seat

NYSUT.ORG ALBANY, N.Y. April 4, 2017 — New York State United Teachers today announced the endorsement of Christine Pellegrino, a Baldwin teacher and fighter for public education, in the race for the open 9th Assembly District seat. NYSUT’s Board of Directors voted to endorse Pellegrino in the May 23 special election, saying that, as a…

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Schaffer still appears to be giving Pellegrino short shrift

Newsday Christine Pellegrino, Democratic nominee, is facing a special election for State Assembly. (Credit: Pellegrino for Assembly) When Suffolk Democrats held their spring dinner last week, party chairman Richard Schaffer took the time to introduce all candidates facing election this fall. Yet he failed to mention the one Democratic nominee, who is facing a special…

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NYPAN Progressive political conference held in Binghamton

BuPipedream.Com Democratic Party reform and money in politics were two central topics of the New York Progressive Action Network’s spring conference held this Sunday at Binghamton High School. Over 300 people gathered at the conference, which featured panels on Social Security and Medicaid, energy democracy and running for public office. Zephyr Teachout, candidate for New…

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Founding Member Christine Pellegrino enters race for 9th Assembly District

Newsday Ed note: Join the volunteer group to help Christine. The special election will be held May 23rd, 1017. Democrats on Wednesday made a last-minute candidate switch in the special election for the Ninth District Assembly seat, choosing Christine Pellegrino, a local teacher and leader in the Opt Out movement that opposes Common Core testing in…

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Activists in Huntington get schooled in running for office

TBRNewsMedia By Victoria Espinoza Activism is on the rise in the aftermath of the 2016 election on the North Shore and beyond, though at an event in Huntington concerned citizens signed up to do more than carry signs and initiate chants. On Saturday, March 11, more than 100 people gathered at Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of…

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